General manufacturer of Ball screws & Actuators

Corporate Information-Quality Management System

품질 매니지먼트 시스템

등록 활동 범위

: 볼 나사 정밀 이송 나사 및 유싯 류의 설계· 개발 및 제조

적용 규격 : ISO9001:2015
등록일 :1999년12월24일
등록 갱신일 :2022년3월5일
유효 기간 :2025년3월4일
등록증 번호 :JQA-QM4131
등록 사업자 :케이에스에스 주식회사 오지야 공장

오지야 공장장 커밋먼트

I hereby declare that we promote the continual improvement of the effectiveness for quality management system as stated below.

  • Taking accountability for the effectiveness of the quality management system;
  • Ensuring that the quality policy and quality objectives are established for the quality management system and are compatible with the strategic direction and the context of Ojiya Plant;
  • Ensuring that the quality policy is communicated, understood and applied to the all members of Ojiya Plant;
  • Ensuring the integration of the quality management system requirements into Ojiya Plant’s business process;
  • Promoting the use of the process approach and risk-based thinking;
  • Ensuring that the resources needed for the quality management system are available;
  • Communicating the importance of effective quality management and of conforming to the quality management system requirements;
  • Ensuring that quality management system achieves its intended results;
  • Engaging, directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the quality management system;
  • Promoting continual improvement;
  • Supporting other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to their areas of responsibility;

품질 방침

제품의 품질과 신뢰성을 향상시켜 정말로 고객님들이 안심해서 사용할수 있는 상품을 제공한다. 또한 이를 위해 품질 매니지먼트 시스템의 유효성에 대해 지속적으로 개선을 추진한다.

Inquiries/Contact us

KSS Co.,Ltd.
1-22-14 Yaguchi, Ohta-ku,
Tokyo 146-0093, Japan
Tel: +81-3-3756-3921
Contact us