General manufacturer of Ball Screws & Actuators

Corporate Information-Quality Management System

Quality Management System(Medical devices)

Registered Activity Range

: Design, Development & Manufacture of Ball screws for surgical robots and surgical unitsDesign

Applicable Standard : ISO13485:2016
Date of Registration : January, 17, 2020
Date of Renewal : January, 17, 2023
Term of Validity : January, 16, 2026
Registration Certificate No. : JQA-MD0144
Organization approved : Ojiya Plant of KSS Co., Ltd.

Quality Policy

We improve the quality and the reliability of our products, and offer the products that customers can use at ease. And for above purpose, we promote the continual improvement of the effectiveness for the quality management system.

Inquiries/Contact us

KSS Co.,Ltd.
1-22-14 Yaguchi, Ota-ku,
Tokyo 146-0093, Japan
Tel: +81-3-3756-3921
Contact us